NVRH Auxiliary Raffle
Enter the raffle for a chance to win great prizes and to support scholarships for five local students pursuing a health career.
Since 2001, the Auxiliary has given $111,000 in scholastic achievement awards. Eligible students are high school students, current college students, and adults returning to college. To learn more about the scholarships, click here.
Tickets are $5 each, or buy four tickets for $20 and we’ll put in an extra ticket for you!
Drawing is on May 9, 2025 and you could win...
- Cash Prizes of $300, $200 or $100
- Burke Mountain Day Ski pass
- Jay Peak Family Pass to the Pump House
- Sanderson’s Wooden Bowls gift certificate
- Burke Hollow Chocolates
- Laughing Cow Farm gift certificate
- and more!
The purpose of the Auxiliary shall be to render service to Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital and its patients, and to assist Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital in promoting the health and welfare of the community, in accordance with objectives established by the hospital. The organization exists exclusively for charitable purposes. Membership is open to all adults who are interested in Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital and who are willing to uphold the purpose of the Auxiliary.
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