Occupational Medicine

Serving the Community’s Work Related Medical Needs
We are well versed in workers’ compensation injury and illness management, and strive to obtain the best outcome for the worker, with the goal of early and safe return to work.
- Minor lacerations, minor burns, and other urgent care needs
- Strains, sprains, and other musculoskeletal injuries
- Pre-employment/post offer physicals
- DOT and non-DOT drug testing
- DOT/CDL physicals
- Fitness for duty exams
- Respirator clearance physicals
- Fall flu clinics and vaccinations
- Referral for physical therapy, orthopedic and other subspecialty consultation, and worksite analysis when appropriate
- Many other services specifically related to industrial/employee needs
Looking to make an appointment?
We are open Monday – Friday.
Please call for an appointment or for more information at 802-748-4393.
Medical Arts Building
1290 Hospital Drive, Suite 3
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
Monday ‒ Friday. Please call for an appointment.
Phone: 802-748-4393
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