Student Clinical Rotations and Internships

Preceptor Contacts
EMT/ER Preceptor
Steven Jones 603-631-4132
Kara Heath 802-748-7463
Becky Barski 802-748-7577
Michael Auger 802-748-7428 (hospital setting)
Karl Granskog 860-694-8644 (practice setting)
Nurse Practitioner Preceptors
Anne Somers 802-748-7540 (Kingdom Internal Medicine)
Holly McKeon 802-748-3222 (Corner Medical)
St. Johnsbury Pediatrics
Cheryl Stahler 802-748-7256
Diagnostic Imaging
Jackie Zaun 802-748-7466
Linda Martellucci 802-748-7900
Northern Physical Therapy
Lindsay O’Steen 802-748-6470
Requirements and Eligibility
To learn more about requirements and elligibility, click here!
All Student Paperwork
NVRH Affiliated Schools
- Albany College of Pharmacy
- Chamberlain University
- Franklin Pierce
- Frontier Nursing University
- George Washington University
- Georgetown University
- Grand Canyon University
- Loyola University New Orleans School of Nursing
- Marietta College
- MCPHS University
- Northern Vermont University
- Norwich University
- Ozarks Technical Community College
- Prexel University
- River Valley Community College
- Rivier University
- Sacred Heart University
- Seton Hill University
- Simmons College
- South University
- UMass Medical School
- University of Minnesota Medical School
- University of New England
- University of Vermont
- Vermont Technical College
- White Mountains Community College
- Yale University
NVRH Student Onboarding Process
Are you a student looking to do a rotation with NVRH? You’ve come to the right place!
To start, we ask that you please find a preceptor and confirm they have the availability and resources to preceptor during the duration of your rotation period. If you need help finding a preceptor, you can contact any of the preceptors listed to the left. Once a preceptor is confirmed, contact the Human Resources Coordinator at to receive the required paperwork. This paperwork includes a list of requirements, a student request form, and the student onboarding packet, which can also be found listed on the left. It is important you submit the entire packet. This means that all forms are completed, and any additional documents are also submitted.
You will begin your rotation faster if all required documents are submitted at once*. Once you are cleared, the Human Resources Assistants will contact you to let you know when your first day will be. On your first day, you will enter through the main entrance and report to Human Resources to obtain your student badge and then report to your preceptor to begin your rotation.
*It is important you know that you may NOT begin your rotation until you have received an email stating that you have been cleared.
Looking for a Job Shadow or High School Internship?
Please contact Pat Forest, Director of Volunteer Services, at 802-748-7310 to discuss opportunities. To learn more, click here.