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Endowment Giving

Leave a lasting legacy, supporting NVRH, its patients, and its program for generations to come.

What is an Endowment Fund? An endowment fund is a permanent, self-sustaining fund that is created by a gift from you with a desire for your original gift to be invested and only a portion of earnings to be spent annually to support a purpose you designate. Endowed gifts are invested and managed as part of NVRH’s total investments. Your original gift (or the “principal”) is protected, and investment income is spent as per the Investment Policy authorized annually by the Finance Committee of the NVRH Board of Trustees. Because your original gift principal remains intact, the endowed fund will generate support in perpetuity. 

How much money does it take to start an endowment? A gift of $25,000 or more can establish an endowment.

How do I go about making an endowed gift? You can decide if you would like to fund your endowment now with an outright gift, or after your lifetime with an estate gift.

Outright gift: You can make an outright gift, or you can pledge a gift to be fulfilled over five years, according to a schedule that best works for you. You can give cash, securities or other assets to an endowment fund. We will prepare a written Gift Agreement detailing your gift plan and the endowment funds’ purpose.  You and the CEO of NVRC will sign the agreement. Annually, you will receive a report on the use of your endowment fund.

Estate gift: You can establish an endowment through an estate gift by including funding provisions in your estate plan or will. We encourage you to let us know of your wishes in advance to be sure we can honor them. You can also create a giving plan that combines both outright and estate gifts. To discuss estate gifts to benefit NVRH, please contact Emily Hutchison, Director of Philanthropy, at 802-748-7476.

Whose name is on the endowment? There are a variety of naming opportunities in recognition of significant gifts to NVRH, including endowment gifts. You can name an endowment for yourself, your family, your friend, your company, a particular program or provider — the choice is yours.


Questions or Need Help?

To learn more about creating an endowment, email philanthropy@nvrh.org or contact Emily Hutchison, Director of Philanthropy, at 802-748-7476.

This information does not provide legal or financial advice, nor is it a comprehensive review of the topics. You should consult your attorney and tax advisor before making or planning your gift. Certain types of gifts require prior approval from NVRH in order to be accepted. NVRH accepts all gifts through its parent company of Northeastern Vermont Regional Corp; 100% of gifts are transferred to NVRH for use in the way the donor has designated.

Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital

PO Box 905
1315 Hospital Drive
St. Johnsbury, Vermont 05819

802-748-8141  |  TTY/TTD, Dial 711

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