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Speech-Language Pathologist Sierra Downs joins NVRH

by | Jul 14, 2020 | In the News

Specializing in voice and swallowing disorders, offering voice/communication training

ST. JOHNSBURY, VT (July 14, 2020) – Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital (NVRH) is excited to announce that Speech-Language Pathologist Sierra Downs, MA, CCC-SLP has joined NVRH Speech-Language Pathology.

Speech Language Pathology has a large scope; SLPs assess, diagnose, treat, and help to prevent communication and swallowing disorders across the lifespan. One population that Downs enjoys working with is individuals managing Parkinson’s disease. She also specializes in gender affirming voice & communication training, accent modification/corporate communication, as well as voice and swallowing disorders for adults and young adults.

“I am always open to chatting about how our field can improve or enhance folks’ lives in our communities.” Downs said. “Largely due to personal experiences, I am also committed to increasing access to evidence-based practices for those navigating the effects of head and neck cancer and various types of dementia, including support for their caregivers.”

Downs received her Master of Arts in Speech Language Pathology from George Washington University, having earned her Bachelor of Science from Boston University Sargent College. Before joining NVRH, Downs worked part time in Home Health, covering territory in central/northern Vermont, per diem in skilled nursing facilities throughout the region, and ran her own private practice based out of Burlington, VT, where she continues to provide services via telehealth.

Downs’ background is in vocal music.

“I love being able to connect the science behind the vocal instrument to clinical practice, and empowering folks to find their voice,” Downs said. “I am fascinated by how our brains contribute to things we often take for granted, like using or understanding language, social communication, and swallowing, and how these contribute to well-being in our daily lives.”

“Because Speech-Language Pathology may be involved in so many different health conditions, we’re really excited to have Sierra Downs joining us at NVRH,” Chief Medical Officer Dr. Michael Rousse said. “When patients are managing their health, it’s so important that they also feel supported in their abilities to communicate.”

Downs sees patients at Dan Wyand, P.T. & Associates on Mondays and Thursdays, and at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Norris Cotton Cancer Center North every other Wednesday. For more information or for referrals call 802-745-6477.

Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital

PO Box 905
1315 Hospital Drive
St. Johnsbury, Vermont 05819

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