Financial Services
Understanding Your Bill
Healthcare billing and insurance issues can be complicated. If you have any questions or need information about your bill, you may call our customer service staff at 802-748-7518. They will gladly assist you with questions or clarification about billing or insurance concerns.
- NVRH provides patient assistance for medically necessary inpatient, outpatient, and NVRH operated provider practices.
- If you are concerned about your ability to pay for the healthcare you have received at NVRH, a Patient Account Specialist is available to discuss this with you.
- NEW! NVRH also offers QUIK-PAY an easy way to pay your bill securely online, without logging in or creating an account. Just scan the QR code on your latest invoice. Click Pay a Bill, then enter the statement account number. Use any major credit or debit card to pay. Click here, or visit
Main Line (Switchboard) 802-748-8141
Office of the CEO 802-748-7400
Billing & Financial Services 802-748-7518
Care Management 802-748-7367
Chaplain 802-748-7473
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