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NVRH St. Johnsbury Pediatrics participates in Prevent Child Abuse Vermont Walk for Children

by | Sep 10, 2019 | In the News

ST. JOHNSBURY, Vt. (September 10, 2019) – Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital (NVRH) St. Johnsbury Pediatrics participated in Prevent Child Abuse Vermont’s (PCAV) Walk for Children on Saturday, August 17, 2019. Since 2002, St. Johnsbury Pediatrics has been walking to raise funds in order to help PCAV provide much needed programs.

“Prevent Child Abuse Vermont has a lot of programs that help parents nurture better and deal with the frustrations of day-to-day life with children,” St. Johnsbury Pediatrics’ Pediatrician Karyn Patno, MD said. “As a child pediatrician, I’m committed to prevention because I think that’s a far better way to deal with child abuse than treating it.”

This year, St. Johnsbury Pediatrics raised $7,407.00. These monies will go towards supporting and educating Vermont parents, guardians, teachers, and child care providers.

“All children deserve a happy, nurturing childhood, and Prevent Child Abuse Vermont has been working for over 43 years to that end,” PCAV Executive Director Linda Johnson said. “Each year, PCAVT’s WALK AND RUN FOR CHILDREN brings people together to highlight the importance of child abuse prevention. Not only does this event raise much needed funds for the organization’s efforts, it raises awareness and unites the community in a great cause.”

PCAV is a nonprofit organization that dedicates time and resources to protecting children in Vermont. They have been supporting families and schools to help eliminate child abuse and since 1990, have helped Vermont see a 34% decrease in child abuse.

Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital

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