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NVRH Auxiliary celebrates volunteer milestones

by | Dec 7, 2020 | In the News

NVRH Auxiliary celebrates volunteer milestones.

Amid COVID restrictions, the Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital Auxiliary/Volunteers are still hard at work.  Many have adapted their volunteer positions so they can continue their volunteer service from their homes.  “To say this has been an unusual year would be an understatement, stated Auxilian President Lorraine Matteis.  Matteis continued, “Most of us are calling it epic, historic, once in a lifetime.  The coronavirus pandemic has infiltrated every aspect of our lives.  But, proud to say, the NVRH auxiliary/volunteers have remained strong and committed to our mission to render service to Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital and its patients and to assist NVRH in promoting the health and welfare of the community.  No, we cannot yet be physically present in the hospital, but many of you are still actively supporting the hospital community sewing, knitting, phone calls of support…and anxiously awaiting a return to hospital assignments.”

The NVRH Auxilians/Volunteers were recently awarded service hours pins for their volunteer service for the years 2019-2020.  The following awards were either hand delivered or mailed: 100 Hours- Rena Ellingwood; 200 Hours- Roland LaPerle, Joseph Kasprazk, Betty Cochran, Rita Pinard; 300 Hours- Ken Norris, Anne Colgan, Karen Cheney, and John Goodrich, 400 Hours- Charles Wilson, Sally Wilder, Judy Selle, Jane Tallmadge, Linda Wells, Terry Hoffer, and Vickie Schafer; 500 Hours- Mary Ann McKeon, Marlin Devenger, Susan Carr, and Jane Arthur; 600 Hours- Ella Kelsey, Eli Haskins, Joe Moritz, Denise Dion, Julie Sturm, and Lorraine Matteis; 700 Hours- Shirley Warden and David Miller; 800 Hours- Carl Erickson and Linda Garey.

1000 Hours- Deb Davison, Mary Dole, Richard Redznak, Michelle Dumas and Carlene Brill. 1500 Hours- Nancy Erickson and Leon Podgur; 2000 Hours- Rachel Charron, Ken Miller and Rosina Greenwood.  4000 Hours- Ann Creaser; 6000 Hours; Patricia Cutts; 8,000 Hours- Lana Mitchell and 9000 Hours- Elsie Lawrence 9,339.

In 2003, the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation founded the President’s Volunteer Service Award to recognize the important role of volunteers in America’s strength and national identity. This award honors individuals whose service positively impacts communities in every corner of the nation and inspires those around them to take action, too.

The PVSA has continued under each administration, honoring the volunteers who are using their time and talents to solve some of the toughest challenges facing our nation.

Presidential Service Awards were given to the following auxilians/volunteers for their dedicated service: Bronze Award- (100-249 hours in 12 months) Susan Carr, Patricia Cutts, Michelle Dumas, Rena Ellingwood, David Mille, Lana Mitchell,  Bob Morency, and Mary Parent.  Silver Award- (250-499 hours in 12 months)  Shirley Warden and Charles Wilson.

Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital

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St. Johnsbury, Vermont 05819

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