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Interactive Event Educates on Opioid Overdose

by | Feb 10, 2021 | In the News

DART partners with Vermont CARES to connect overdose survivors with community members

ST. JOHNSBURY, VT (February 10, 2021) – With overdoses on the rise, a pandemic keeping people in isolation and winter weather afoot, the Drug Abuse Prevention Team (DART) has partnered with Vermont CARES to offer community members a live interactive, online event to learn more about opioid overdose, fentanyl, and naloxone.

In this online event, participants will learn how to recognize and respond to an opioid overdose, reduce overdose risks and hear from the people who have lived to tell their stories of loss and recovery.

“This training was identified at a recent DART meeting when members considered some of the most urgent needs of those in our community who are affected by substance use disorder,” Substance Misuse Prevention Services Director Cheryl Chandler said. “There is no better time than the present to take advantage of this FREE training.”

Grass roots organizations such as DART and prevention coalitions such as the Northeast Prevention Coalition (NPC), a subcommittee of DART, have been known to be effective in building community capacity to bring about population-level change. Their success is dependent on all sectors of the community becoming involved. Vermont Cares is an integral member of both DART and the NPC.

This hour-long live presentation is essential for anyone who works with people who may be at risk, family members and loved ones of people living with substance use disorder, people who are in active use and any interested community members.

Join via Zoom on February 18, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. An open discussion will follow at 7 p.m. For more information, contact NVRH Substance Misuse Prevention Services Director Cheryl Chandler at c.chandler@nvrh.org or 802-748-7555.

Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital

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St. Johnsbury, Vermont 05819

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