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The DAISY Award

To nominate a nurse, click the daisy below!

Recognizing extraordinary nurses at NVRH.

Nurses can now be honored with The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses®. The award is part of the DAISY Foundation’s mission to recognize the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care nurses provide patients and families every day.

Nurses may be nominated by patients, families and colleagues. The Nursing Shared Governance Council at NVRH will then review nominations and honorees will be selected based on criteria developed by nursing staff. Any licensed nursing staff, including LNAs, can be nominated.

Awards are presented throughout the year at celebrations attended by the honoree’s colleagues, patients and visitors. Each honoree receives a certificate commending her or him as an Extraordinary Nurse. Honorees also receive a DAISY Award pin and a sculpture called A Healer’s Touch.

DAISY Award Nominations can be made electronically at www.daisynomination.org/NVRH or by completing and submitting a nomination form found in patient waiting areas around the hospital and at the NVRH medical practices.

The DAISY Foundation (DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System) is a not-for-profit organization, established in memory of J. Patrick Barnes by members of his family. More information is available at DAISYfoundation.org.