Bert Fichman, MD, MS
Pain Medicine

Center for Pain Management
1315 Hospital Drive
St. Johnsbury, Vermont 05819
Phone: 802-748-7345
Fax: 802-748-7417
Medical School
Albany Medical College; Albany, NY; MD;1987
- Master of Health Care Delivery Science at Dartmouth; Tuck School of Business Administration; Hanover, NH; MS; 2013
- New York University Medical Center; New York, NY; Obstetrical Anesthesia; 1992
- New York University Medical Center; New York, NY; Cardiothoracic Anesthesia; 1992
- New York University Medical Center, Bellevue Hospital Center; New York, NY; Anesthesiology; 1991
New York University Medical Center, Bellevue Hospital Center; New York, NY; General Surgery; 1988
New York University, Tisch School of the Arts; New York, NY; BFA; 1978
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