Infusion Therapy Services

Take the Trips You Want to Take
Infusion Therapy at NVRH is comprehensive, comfortable, and close to home. Infusion Therapy staff are an experienced and knowledgeable team of registered nurses, pharmacists, and lab technicians. They work with local physicians in addition to referring physicians, from outside the area to provide quality, comfortable, personalized infusion care to patients. Your physician will coordinate the administration of Outpatient Infusion Services at NVRH.
We offer many therapies, services, and medications including:
• Antibiotic Therapy
• Crohn’s disease (Remicade) (Entyvio)
• Rheumatoid arthritis (Actemra, Rituxan, Orencia)
• Hemochromatosis (therapeutic phlebotomy)
• Iron deficiency anemia (iron infusions)
Outpatient Infusion Services are located on the second floor of Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital
Gregory Rubin Reynolds Building
1315 Hospital Drive
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
Monday through Friday, 6:45 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Phone: 802-748-7931
Appointments are encouraged as part of your overall continuum of care.
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