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Hospital Complaint Policy

Grievance and Complaint Process

If you have a grievance or a complaint to file, we have a process available to you. The purpose of this process is to improve the quality of care and service to our customers. If you have an immediate concern, you are encouraged to communicate this to any of the following:

  • the person providing you with the service,
  • the department manager of the service involved or the nursing supervisor, or
  • Patient Experience at 802-748-7421, or
  • the Risk and Compliance Department at 802-748-7349.

A written or verbal acknowledgment of receipt of the grievance/complaint will be sent to the complainant, patient or patient’s representative from Risk Management or Patient Experience within seven business days with a written response provided within 30 business days from date of receipt.

If you feel it is necessary to discuss your problem with someone outside the hospital, you may contact any of the following:

Division of Licensing and Protection, Department
of Aging and Disabilities
HC 2 South, 280 State Drive, Waterbury, VT 05671-2060
802-241-0383 or 1-888-700-5330 ahs.dailscintake@vermont.gov

Vermont Department of Health
108 Cherry St. PO Box 70 Burlington, VT 05402-0070
802-863-7200, 1-800-464-4343, fax 802-865-7754

VT Board of Medical Practice
108 Cherry St. PO Box 70
Burlington, VT 05402
1-800-745-7371, 1-802-657-4220, fax 802-657-4227

Office of the Health Care Advocate 1-800-917-7787


Patient Experience 802-748-7421
Billing & Financial Services 802-748-7518